Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How to check an array item exist or not in the json array based on the item property value in javascript

In my current project i am working more with jquery and json.In this project i had a requirement to find the json object exist or not in the json array based on the item property value.I had googled a bit and did not find the answer.

Then i wrote a prototype method to find the json object exist or not.

Array.prototype.containsJsonObj = function(name,value) {
var isExists=false;
return false;
return isExists;

Below is the json array

var jsonArray=[{"firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe","age": 23 },
{ "firstName":"Mary","lastName" :"Smith","age": 32 }]

we can check whether the array item exist or not as shown below

//if it exists enter into this loop
//if it does not exist enter into this loop

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